Blu so easy! Proudly sponsoring the Homes Gardens & Lifestyle Show …….. Find them on the ground floor lobby next to the Jazz and Blues Bar ready and waiting to meet you with a stylish BLU cava cocktail from the stunning Cava Fountain guaranteeing all our visitors a warm and friendly welcome to the Show and Blu will be on hand to discuss everything telecommunications………Blu so Easy! Getting and keeping you connected!
Formed by a team of professionals with extensive experience in the sector, Blu has been created to address issues with current telecommunications infrastructure in our local area. We provide a quality, optimised service for the end-user, our customers, via various technologies.
We offer alternative, reliable, flexible and cost effective services to all who want to join and experience Blu “So Easy!”
Please find to follow further details on why you should consider Blu……we look forward to hearing from you!
- Fastest Internet speeds
- Most reliable Internet
- Lowest priced Internet
- Internet & Spanish fixed phone number services are able to be suspended whenever you want